Living Torah, a Torah for Living

The Torah is an essential element of Jewish life. We have been blessed to receive two Torot from American synagogues. Our most recent gift from Conservative congregation Shaarei Tefilah in Norwood, Massachusetts is a beautiful 150-year old scroll. The Torah is unusually well written and comes with High Holiday and year-round decorative covers. It was rescued in post-World War II Poland.
Another Torah scroll was donated to Beit Polska by Rabbi Ruth Gais and Rabbi John Schechter (pictured above) of Congregation B’nai Israel in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. The Torah’s new home is Congregation Beit Trojmiasto in Gdansk, Poland.

A great mitzvah: New Castle’s Torah finds a home in Poland
April 9th, 2016, The Jewish Chronicle
"No one remembers exactly how or when the century-old Torah got from Poland to New Castle, Pa., but it will be a long time before anyone forgets how it made its way back home."
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