Sponsor translations from English to Polish for the Step-by-Step conversion program
Many of these translations are directed to the needs of people seeking basic information about Progressive Judaism. In addition our translations seek to introduce Poles to modern Jewish life. Many of the books will find their way into university and high school classrooms in the Polish curriculum beyond the confines of the Jewish community. While Poland’s current Jewish community is small, its resonance requires an engagement with modern Polish life.
The Crooked Mirror: A Memoir of Polish-Jewish Reconciliation
Beit Polska is proud of the publication of Louise Steinman’s path-breaking book, The Crooked Mirror: A Memoir of Polish-Jewish Reconciliation. The Polish publisher KARTA released this important memoir in 2021. The translator is Dorota Golebiewska. The narrative of the book forces us to recognize the many levels of complexity in the relationships of Polish Jews and Polish Christians.
Turning Points in Jewish History
Turning Points in Jewish History
(Marc J Rosenstein)
Teaching Tefilah: Insights and Activities on Prayer
Teaching Tefilah: Insights and Activities on Prayer
(Bruce Kadden and Barbara Binder Kadden (z”l))
Polish translation 2013

The Jewish Home
The Jewish Home (Daniel B. Syme)
Polish translation, 2008
Sidur Beit Polin
A New Prayer Book, a New Moment for Jewish Rebirth and Development
Click here to read our 2014 blog post on the prayer book

Sidur Beit Polin
Polish translation 2015
The Honey and the Sting
The Honey and The Sting – Author Rabbi Walter Rothschild and guests
Polish translation, February 2024 with introduction by Dominika Zakrzewska
The Honey and The Sting by Walter Rothschild
Seeking Judaism: Step-by-Step

Introduction to Judaism: Instructor’s Guide and Curriculum
Introduction to Judaism: Instructor’s Guide and Curriculum (Stephen J. Einstein and Hara Person | Nov 1, 1998)
Polish translation, January 2010
Letters to My Father by Kathleen A. Balgley (see our Freighted Legacies webinar)
Jewish Women’s Lives Series in Polish in conjunction with Wroclaw University Jewish Studies Department, projected publication 2026, number 60 in the series)
Polish translation June 2024
A planning resource for congregational trips (guides/hotels/lectures/music/misc resources)
Prominent figures of modern Jewish Polish life:
Each of the “modern” Polish Jews we list below helped to create our post-Holocaust modernity and cultural reality. Some even directly influenced our North American or Israeli society. With skillful teachers and narrative reenactments, the ties and connections to our Progressive Jewish world emerge even more clearly. Some were philosophers, others pedagogues, authors, and parliamentarians. Some were committed Zionists, and others were Bundists and Polish Nationalists. Many did not belong to the categories Zionist, Hassidic, or Socialist but were in our terms Progressives. These are but a sample of the diverse connections which constitute our rich Polish-Jewish legacy. A visit to Poland should include memorial sites but also an effort to see its continuity with us.
- Dr. Janusz Korczak (1878-1942) children’s author, advocate, and physician
- Julusz Tuwim (1894-1953) poet
- Rabbi Ozjasz Thon (1870-1930) Polish parliamentarian, Zionist leader, orator
- Meir Balaban (1877-1942) historian, academic
- Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972) theologian, poet
- Stefania Wilczynska (1886-1943) pedagogue, co-director with Korczak
- Bruno Shulz (1902-1942) author, painter
- Isaac Bashevis Singer (1902-1991) author
- Emanuel Ringelbaum (1900-1944) historian
- Rachel Auerbach (1903-1976) essayist, historian
- Hillel Zeitlin (1871−1942) “neo-Hassidic philosophical thinker”
Beit Polska offers advice in finding genealogical records.
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Relief Work of The Korczak Children's Fund - Spynka for Ukrainian Refugee Children
Jonathan Mills- Refugee Childcare Expert Available for Consultation and Public Forums
Jonathan Mills is an organizational dynamo who responded to the needs of Ukrainian women fleeing to Poland with their small children. They had work to provide for their families and care for their children. Mills was part of a small group that put together 60 childcare centers called Spynka.
For more background info read our past blog posts here.
Sponsored by the Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet
Winter 2024
Mittens and Scarves Drive
Goal $8,000
Some Ukrainian refugees are paid to knit mittens and scarves to use for refugees. Additionally, mittens and scarves are purchased outside of this arrangement as needed.
Winter 2024
Roving Childcare Center on Wheels in Ukraine
Goal $150,000
Sponsored by Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet and The Korczak Children’s Fund