Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet

A Project of Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland / Beit Polska

Rabbi Michael A. SignerBEIT-POLSKA_logo_2023The Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet of Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland seeks to engage Jewish professionals – mainly rabbis and cantors but also academics and lay leaders in the many concerns of our teacher, Rabbi Michael A. Signer (1945-2009). Beyond his scholarly legacy there was a genuine respect for his Catholic interlocutors which led him to teach at Notre Dame. Signer’s devotion to his students and colleagues was legendary. The light of learning was always present. Rabbi Signer yearned to see a renewed Jewish community in Poland, and surely Beit Polska and its associations would have pleased him.

Beit Polska members enjoy meeting guests visiting from around the world under one banner to foster a positive relationship to today’s Polish Jewish community.

Jewish scholar named Man of Reconciliation 2005

Jewish-Christian Relations in Poland: A Personal Reflection (Michael A. Signer)

The Transformative Work of Michael A. Signer (Franklin T. Harkins)

The Making of a Medievalist (Arnold J. Band)  essay pending copyright permission

The Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet of Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland aspires to model the Jewish learning and humanity of our late teacher Rabbi Michael A. Signer. Our plan was for Rabbi David Ellenson to co-write this letter to invite you to join the cabinet but, alas, both of them are now joined in the Yeshiva Shel Ma’alah. Their leadership example inspires us.

We are creating a Progressive clergy cabinet for Beit Polska and Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland to carry forward the example of our teachers. Many of you have urged us in this direction, and we welcome your immediate response through our Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet Participation Form.

Obviously, we need the financial support, but beyond the immediate practical reason, we want to create a “new commons” in our discourse with Jews around the world emphasizing the internal meaning of Jewish life. We seek to enlist you to teach via dual-language Zoom technology and, where possible, in person. Please take a moment to indicate your participation and interest on the form.

As a practical matter, this infusion will deepen the conversion experience for the courageous individuals in Poland who are coming forward to join our people. They need a view of Jewish life that is not focused on victimization. This approach begins with the recovery of our own history of Progressive Judaism in Poland.




As we invite participation in the Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet we are painfully aware that Rabbi David Ellenson was to be chief among those issuing this invitation. His love for his teaching colleague and friend Rabbi Michael A. Signer led him to agree to want to associate with this project. Alas, these two departed “eagles” of learning are lost.

Below is an excerpt from Rabbi Ellenson’s essay honoring Signer, Rabbi Hayim David Halevi on Christianity and Christians: An Analysis of Selected Legal Writings of an Israeli Authority. In the following excerpt Ellenson embraces aspects of what Rabbi Michael A. Signer conveyed as the very best of their generation of scholars and teachers.


Rabbi David Ellenson
Rabbi David Ellenson

One of the greatest joys and blessings in my life has been my thirty years of relationship with my irrepressible and brilliant friend Michael Signer. For more than a decade, I was privileged to be his faculty colleague at Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles, and not a single day passed during those years that Michael and I did not speak with—often for hours—and learn from one another about intellectual, spiritual, and personal matters. While I felt his departure from HUC-JIR to become the Abrams Professor of Jewish Thought and Culture at the University of Notre Dame as a great loss, I remain grateful that the chord that links us has remained unbroken. I take such pride in all he has accomplished in his current position and am thankful that the Jewish community has such a learned, passionate, and committed scholar-rabbi in the highest international and national circles of Catholic-Jewish dialogue and academic discourse.

Michael has modeled so many things for me, foremost among them that profound scholarship is linked to the deepest existential commitments that a person possesses. I will review some of those commitments as a way of introducing the present essay [ ] in honor of Michael. Raised as I was with so many traditional teachers, the Jewish voice as contained in the legal tradition of my people continues to inform my soul at some very deep level. I continue to be attracted to the genre of Jewish legal literature labeled “responsa” and this genre continues to represent for me—all the issues raised by post-modernism regarding “essentialist postures” notwithstanding—a powerfully authentic Jewish language to which I have devoted many hours of research.

For the uninitiated in this literature, responsa can best be understood as technical legal documents—case discussions and their “holdings,” in modern Western jurisprudential nomenclature—that rabbis throughout the centuries have used to apply the insights, meanings, norms, and precedents provided by the literary and legal texts of the Jewish past (namely, Bible, Talmud, codes of law, and other responsa) to the issues of the age. Simply put, for over a thousand years leading rabbinic jurist-legislators have employed responsa to issue authoritative renderings of Jewish law to rabbinic colleagues for application in particular cases. A single responsum must be seen as part of a vast body of Jewish case law that stretches over the centuries. It is the crossroads where text and context meet in the ongoing tradition of Jewish legal hermeneutics. Responsa constitute a distinctively idiomatic mode of Jewish discourse.

I have always loved discussing this literature with Michael and have profited immeasurably from the empathic yet critical insights his conversations and observations on this material have yielded. It is therefore with a great sense of gratitude to Michael for our ongoing friendship and ties that I here provide an analysis of a legal writing authored by Rabbi Hayim David Halevi (1924–1998) on the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. Rabbi Halevi was the outstanding pupil of the famed Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel Ben Zion Meir Hai Ouziel and studied with his mentor for many years at the prestigious Yeshivat Porat Yosef in Jerusalem. He later served as Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Tel Aviv–Jaffa and he was one of the most prolific and famous rabbinic authorities in Israel during his lifetime.

The above was excerpted from Transforming Relations: Essays on Jews and Christians Throughout History in Honor of Michael A. Signer edited by Franklin T. Harkins

Sponsor translations from English to Polish for the Step-by-Step conversion program

Many of these translations are directed to the needs of people seeking basic information about Progressive Judaism. In addition our translations seek to introduce Poles to modern Jewish life. Many of the books will find their way into university and high school classrooms in the Polish curriculum beyond the confines of the Jewish community. While Poland’s current Jewish community is small, its resonance requires an engagement with modern Polish life.

The Crooked Mirror: A Memoir of Polish-Jewish Reconciliation

The Crooked Mirror- A Memoir of Polish-Jewish ReconciliationBeit Polska is proud of the publication of Louise Steinman’s path-breaking book, The Crooked Mirror: A Memoir of Polish-Jewish ReconciliationThe Polish publisher KARTA released this important memoir in 2021. The translator is Dorota Golebiewska. The narrative of the book forces us to recognize the many levels of complexity in the relationships of Polish Jews and Polish Christians.

Rabbi Haim Beliak’s book review.

Praise for the Polish Translation of The Crooked Mirror

Reviews also found on the author’s website.

The Crooked Mirror blog.

Polish translation, Fall 2024

Teaching Tefilah: Insights and Activities on Prayer

Teaching Tefilah: Insights and Activities on Prayer
(Bruce Kadden and Barbara Binder Kadden (z”l))

Polish translation  2013


The Jewish Home_book cover-us

The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home (Daniel B. Syme)

Polish translation, 2008

Sidur Beit Polin
A New Prayer Book, a New Moment for Jewish Rebirth and Development

Click here to read our 2014 blog post on the prayer book

Sidur Beit Polin; Reviewed by Mati Kirschenbaum

Sidur Beit Polin

Sidur Beit Polin
Polish translation 2015

The Honey and the Sting

The Honey and The Sting – Author Rabbi Walter Rothschild and guests

Polish translation, February 2024 with introduction by Dominika Zakrzewska

The Honey and The Sting by Walter Rothschild

Seeking Judaism: Step-by-Step

The Honey and the Sting_cover

Introduction to Judaism: Instructor’s Guide and Curriculum

Introduction to Judaism: Instructor’s Guide and Curriculum (Stephen J. Einstein and Hara Person | Nov 1, 1998)

Polish translation, January 2010

Letters to My Father

Letters to My Father by Kathleen A. Balgley (see our Freighted Legacies webinar)
Jewish Women’s Lives Series in Polish in conjunction with Wroclaw University Jewish Studies Department, projected publication 2026, number 60 in the series)

Polish translation June 2024

A planning resource for congregational trips (guides/hotels/lectures/music/misc resources)

Prominent figures of modern Jewish Polish life:
Each of the “modern” Polish Jews we list below helped to create our post-Holocaust modernity and cultural reality. Some even directly influenced our North American or Israeli society. With skillful teachers and narrative reenactments, the ties and connections to our Progressive Jewish world emerge even more clearly. Some were philosophers, others pedagogues, authors, and parliamentarians. Some were committed Zionists, and others were Bundists and Polish Nationalists. Many did not belong to the categories Zionist, Hassidic, or Socialist but were in our terms Progressives. These are but a sample of the diverse connections  which constitute our rich Polish-Jewish legacy. A visit to Poland should include memorial sites but also an effort to see its continuity with us.

  • Dr. Janusz Korczak (1878-1942) children’s author, advocate, and physician
  • Julusz Tuwim (1894-1953) poet
  • Rabbi Ozjasz Thon (1870-1930) Polish parliamentarian, Zionist leader, orator
  • Meir Balaban (1877-1942) historian, academic
  • Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972) theologian, poet
  • Stefania Wilczynska (1886-1943) pedagogue, co-director with Korczak
  • Bruno Shulz (1902-1942) author, painter
  • Isaac Bashevis Singer (1902-1991) author
  • Emanuel Ringelbaum (1900-1944) historian
  • Rachel Auerbach (1903-1976) essayist, historian
  • Hillel Zeitlin (1871−1942) “neo-Hassidic philosophical thinker”


Beit Polska offers advice in finding genealogical records.

  • – – – – – – – – – –

Relief Work of The Korczak Children's Fund - Spynka for Ukrainian Refugee Children

Jonathan Mills- Refugee Childcare Expert Available for Consultation and Public Forums
Jonathan Mills is an organizational dynamo who responded to the needs of Ukrainian women fleeing to Poland with their small children. They had work to provide for their families and care for their children. Mills was part of a small group that put together 60 childcare centers called Spynka.

For more background info read our past blog posts here.

Sponsored by the Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet

Winter 2024

Mittens and Scarves Drive

Goal $8,000

Some Ukrainian refugees are paid to knit mittens and scarves to use for refugees. Additionally, mittens and scarves are purchased outside of this arrangement as needed.


Winter 2024

Roving Childcare Center on Wheels in Ukraine

Goal $150,000
Sponsored by Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet and The Korczak Children’s Fund

Donations to the Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet
for The Korczak Children's Fund - Spynka for Ukrainian Refugee Children

Tax-deductible donations may be addressed and designated to the following:
Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland -Ukrainian Relief
P.O. Box 5438, Beverly Hills, CA 90209


Clergy as a Resource for Beit Polska Classes via Zoom and Poland Visits

Organize mentoring of conversion candidates

Training cantorial soloists (Sheleechay Tzibur): sharing musical traditions

Conversations with gymnasium and university students and teachers


Provide links to projects developing relations between Poles and Jews

Jan Karski Society of Kielce and Brama Grotzke of Lublin

Teaching and dialogue at religious seminaries and conferences

The Jewish Learning Exchange

Counseling/providing knowledge/point of view

David Oler

Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Co-producer of a webinar in our Freighted Legacies series (featuring Holocaust survivor Estelle Glaser Laughlin), Perspectives for Our Time; Marking the Polish Translation of Transcending Darkness: A Girl’s Journey Out of the Holocaust

Rick Sarason

Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Allen Iser

Adjunct professor of theology at St. Joseph’s University

Bruce Kadden
Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Dr. Richard Hecht
Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Rabbi Haim Dov Beliak

Please find my bio, lectures and multimedia topics here.

Rabbi Marc J. Rosenstein
Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Rabbi Mati Kirschenbaum
Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Rabbi Menachem Mirski

Rabbi James Mirel

Rabbi Abraham Havivi

Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Rabbi Walter Rothschild

Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Rabbi Jack Shlachter

Mini bio/blurb goes here…

Ongoing Concerns of Rabbi Michael A. Signer

a) Christian-Jewish Dialogue

b) Telling our Narratives

c) Catholic-Jewish Dialogue

d) The work continues: contemporary work and controversies:

  • Blood Libel: On the Trail of an Antisemitic Myth, Hardcover (Magda Teter)
  • Jacob’s Younger Brother: Christian-Jewish Relations after Vatican II (Karma Ben-Johanan)
  • Christian Supremacy: Reckoning with the Roots of Antisemitism and Racism (Magda Teter, Erica Stevens Abbitt)
  • Connecting with Dabru Emet: 20 Years After Historic Jewish Statement on Christianity
  • Turning Points in Jewish History / Polish translation and related seminars (Marc J. Rosenstein)

e) Related articles

Can We Speak of a Theological Bond Between Christians and Jews? A Dialogue with Michael Signer (John T. Pawlikowski, O.S.M.)

Michael Signer’s Theological Philosophy of the Plain Sense (Peter Ochs)


A Project of Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland / Beit Polska


Rabbi David Oler
Rabbi Paul Saiger
Rabbi Bruce Kadden
Rabbi Jonathan Kupetz
Rabbi Mati Kirschenbaum
Rabbi Menachem Mirski
Rabbi James Mirel


Rabbi Rick Sarason
Jon Stuartpending
Colonel Alexander Vindman
  – pending
Rabbi David Ellensonz”l
Richard Hecht
Marc Lee Raphael – pending


List of names go here…

Rabbi Michael A. Signer Clergy Cabinet​

A Project of Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland / Beit Polska


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